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Voigtlander Prominent 50mm f2 Ultron lens (uncoated)
with 花卉用単焦点レンズ Third party Leica M adapter.
I have used this lens on both digital and Film cameras, both Leica M mount and
■ Leica SL digital cameras (with a separate M-L adapter). I also briefly used
■ it on the Voigtlander Prominent itself.
This is a vintage lens (from 1955!) and of course the front element has scratches but with
■ 花卉用単焦点レンズ no impact on photos. 花卉用単焦点レンズ To the naked eye, there is no debris inside the lens and no cloudiness either.
The adapter itself can
■ also be unscrewed and you can add or remove shims inside it to adjust focus if you need to.
Reason for
■ selling: I have too many 50mm lenses.
焦点距離.. 50mm
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