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Voigtlander Prominent
■ 50mm f2 Ultron lens (uncoated)
with Third party Leica M adapter.
I have
■ used this lens on both digital and Film cameras, both Leica M mount and Leica SL digital cameras (with a separate M-L adapter). I also briefly used it on the Voigtlander Prominent itself.
This is a vintage lens (from 1955!) and of course the front element has scratches but with no impact on photos. To the
■ naked eye, there is no debris 防塵単焦点レンズ inside the lens and no cloudiness either.
The adapter itself can also be 防塵単焦点レンズ unscrewed and you can add or remove shims inside it to adjust focus if you
■ need to.
Reason for selling: I have too many 50mm lenses.
焦点距離.. 50mm
カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > レンズ(単焦点)商品のサイズニコンFマウントブランドホクトレンダー商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域千葉県
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そ おどろおどろしい の他の不具合に関しまして。
ご購入後はノークレーム・ノーリターン・ノーキャンセ おどろおどろしい。