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Erica Synths ベビー用 Black Double Bass
■ is unique module that combines two transistor suboscillators (-1 and -2 octaves) ベビー用 and lowpass filter. It does not make sound ベビー用 on its own, but it will turn
■ any #VCO
■ or beeper into
■ massive bass sound with CV control over octave mix and cutoff frequency. Sync input
■ that resets suboscillators on incoming pulse, provides even more versatility in sound design. The module can be also provide
■ aggressive distortion, when used with percussive sounds like bassdrums.
Two transistor based -1 and -2 octaves suboscillators
Manually and CV controlled fade between suboscillators
Manually and CV controlled lowpass VCF
Suboscillator synchronisation input ベビー用
Individual outputs of suboscillators
Limiter on the output to
■ avoid clipping
Signal Thru output
CV level attenuators
#モジュラーシンセ #ユーロラック
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 楽器・機材 > DTM・DAW > ベビー用 ハードウェア音源商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域埼玉県