【 明日14:00 】 までのご注文で翌日お届けに対応。
定休日のご注文は翌営業日の発送となります。(定休日:日曜日, 祝日)
A 最新//ブルーレイセット single train pulls into the 最新//ブルーレイセット station, the last one
■ for the day - the last one
■ in and out for a long time around here.
The platform is full of familiar
■ sights and smells - a place once a mainstay in the mind now echoing distant memories of a time that
■ likely never existed.
They look taller than when I last saw them, standing at the entrance of the station - but the same jaw, same hair, same eyes. Eyes that pierce right into my chest and remind me why the train ride made my neck tighten the closer and closer I got to where I am right now. Yet they smile, that same smile, as I walk down towards them, no longer any path to take but forward.
※このソフトウェアはオーディオプレーヤーのみと互換性があります。さらに変更を加えなければ、playstation2 コンソールでは動作しません。
※This software is compatible with audio players only. it does not work on playstion2 consoles without further modification.
カテゴリーCD・DVD・ブルーレイ > CD > 洋楽商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域三重県