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ブランド Arctic Expedition
品名 Beaumont hybraDOWN® Parka
品番 Style no. 5363RK-21
サイズ S
定価 424
■ USD~ 7万円
肩幅 約42
身幅 約51
着丈 約81
The Beaumont is
■ a classic mid-length quilted parka. It was engineered to keep your warm on the coldest winter days. This style is functional through and through with its oversized slanted pockets, side vents, and removable faux-fur hood. You"ll be ready to take on your day no matter what you have planned !
HybraDOWN™ technology was designed to provide you with ultimate
■ warmth during subzero weather conditions by offering all
■ the benefits of natural down: high warmth, lightness, and comfort. Its composition of 75% certified down (80/20) and 25% recycled synthetic fibres exceeds the benefits of 100% natural down due to its ability to dry quickly and keep its warmth in humid conditions.
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