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サイズ XL
Main Features:
4 EPS.
4 自転車マット shell
■ sizes.
Double 自転車マット D retention system.
IVS (Integrated Ventilation System) 自転車マット with channels hollowed directly in the
■ shell.
Multi Density EPS.
Shell in CAAF (carbon-aramidic-fiberglass).
Tear-Off included.
Key Features.
A separate kit includes a racing version visor with additional screws which
■ further
■ reduce the risk of accidental opening in the event of an
■ accident.
Central air vent for optimal air flow.
Double face crown pad.
Patented 自転車マット Safety Realease system to remove conveniently cheek pads in case of accident.
Patented XQRS (Extra Quick Release System) visor mechanism in l for very fast
■ tool-free 自転車マット removal.
The internal shape of the helmet was
■ specifically designed to decrease
■ the
■ risk damage to the collar bones in the event of 自転車マット a fall.
1,40 kg.
カテゴリー車・バイク・自転車 > 自転車 > 自転車マット ヘルメット・関連用品 > トライアスロン・TT用商品のサイズXLサイズ商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域埼玉県