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Commemorative Item
This special proof set commemorates the 70th anniversary of Godzilla, which will be celebrated in 2024. It is a unique collection item for Godzilla fans.
① Proof
■ Set Price: 15,500 yen
The Japan Mint has started accepting orders for the /"Godzilla 70th Anniversary 2024 Proof Coin Set/" from Friday, September 6, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the first Godzilla movie released in Showa 29 (1954), which will be commemorated in Reiwa 6 (2024).
This coin set includes six types of ルービックキューブ proof coins (500 yen to 1 yen) minted in Reiwa 6, along with a silver
■ medal, all stored in a special leather case.
Note: Proof ルービックキューブ coins are specially crafted using advanced techniques
■ to give them
■ a glossy surface, with designs that stand out clearly.
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